Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Honeybadger Brigade vs the Attack of the Feminists

When feminists are triggered into attack on social media, there are none more fierce in retaliation than the women of the Honeybadger Brigade. The women of the men's rights movement (AKA Honey Badgers) post on Reddit and twitter, upload podcasts of Honey Badger Radio, and generally raise hell, according to an article in Marie Claire. They provided some examples of their blunt posts as well.
"You weren't raped. You're a whore. Join the club"; "Going Mental: She Might Be a Crazy Bitch If … Red Flags!"; "The #feminist draft is fully operational. If you have a vagina or mangina youre [sic] forced to obey. #WomenAgainstFeminism."
Karen Straughan, one of the founding members of the HBB, recently visited Australia presenting talks at the International Conference on Men's Issues and at The Sydney Institute. She explains the need for the HBB and why it takes a woman to stand up to the feminist vitriol online, as men run the risk of being perceived as dangerous or threatening when speaking up.
"Women seem to have this ability to talk and not be seen as angry," 
"to not be mocked as whiny man-babies and dismissed as dangerous extremist reactionaries who want to make it legal to beat your wife."
I can lay testimony to this after an experiment yesterday on Twitter, where I challenged former Prime Minister and new head of Beyond Blue, Julia Gillard regarding her post on the number of suicides per day in Australia. You only have to watch The Red Pill documentary to understand that feminists and the main stream media that supports the feminist narrative, always hide the number of male victims within a statistic when they are in the majority, yet name the exact figure of female victims even if it is only one woman out of hundreds of victims. When Cassie Jaye interviewed Karen Straughan she brought to her attention the reporting on the Boko Haram situation. Jaye supplied footage of many publications reporting on the carnage in her film and none of them ever mentioned the words men or boys in their titles even though they were the only gender being murdered in most cases. Even today we are still seeing this kind of reporting, this article about a recent attack reads as follows...

The 9 people were men. But this has been the way this is reported everywhere - no publication ever mentions male victims in its headlines, its either people, villagers, or simply just dead.

So when Julia Gillard, who has been on the record as a feminist, famous for her misogyny speech in the Australian Parliament as Prime Minister, tweets that she is concerned about the suicide of 8 Aussies a day, it sets alarm bells off again. The reason? 6 of the 8 suiciding Aussies are men. I think its appropriate to care about all suicides, but I questioned if this is a familiar cover up of the male dominated statistic due to her feminist ideology.
To say my comment triggered feminists is an understatement. I believe everyone needs to know what Feminists do when they read anything that challenges their ideology and the narrative that they have pushed into main stream media, government agencies, and social media platforms. It is dangerous to them because it threatens to expose the truth, and they have already told the world what the truth is, but it is a false truth. The infiltration of feminists into legitimate posts have given them the ability to use once reputable agencies such as the Australian Bureau of Statistics, and all of the top Australian Universities, to produce papers and studies that are engineered to interpret data into results that favour and support the female narrative and feminist ideology. This has gone to the point where they conclude that male suicides are so high because of "patriarchy" the very demon that feminism is designed to destroy, thus by being anti-feminist, men are preventing the feminists from eliminating "patriarchy" and therefore stopping them from 'helping' men. Sadly this is a computer and you can't smell the bullshit through the screen, but hopefully though you can see it.
So, here is what feminists do on twitter when they are triggered.
1. Ridicule - they will say something to ridicule the person who wrote the message
2. Meme - they will post or create a meme very quickly to parody the person
3. Joke - they will construct a joke and add laughter to discredit the person.
4. Retweet - they will 'like' and 'retweet' the responses they created to all their fembases.
5. Attack - they will then attack anything they see on your profile and bait you into retaliation.
6. Google - they will Google you and use anything they can find to mock and discredit you.
7. Threaten - they will threaten you with their desire to bring you down as much as possible.
8. Sack - they will declare you should be sacked from your job for commenting against them.
9. Email - they will email any employer they think you work for and demand they fire you.
10. Rinse and Repeat - they will keep all this going until they break you into silence.
Luckily they don't always win, but it may shock you just how fast they can mobilise their coordinated attack on any anti-feminist or Men's Rights Activist. In the end they will make you seem more anti-male than they are and label you as more harmful to men than feminists. It's very clever and effective, but for how long will they be able to get away with this?
The funniest post they made of my grilling of Gillard was to quote my tweet under Gillard's and use it to make me sound like an aggressive angry man.
Note that the name of the account creating and distributing this tweet is called Take Down MRA's. They purely exist to annihilate anyone who is a Men's Rights Activist. Yet they are not a hate group somehow. The interesting part to examine is how they misrepresented my comment as 'yelling at the women online'. Firstly, as mentioned above, there are a great deal of women who are MRAs, anti-feminists are not men yelling at women, but most importantly, I ask you to see if you can find the part of my comment that depicts me yelling. Now the obvious is of course the fact that messages are inaudible so yelling is impossible, but then we all know that when people want to depict yelling they usually use caps or exclamation marks or both. So this is purely designed to do numbers 1, 4, 5, and 10.
I also experienced 7 and 8 when the Employment Monitor declared my employer should know what I am saying on Twitter.

It was no surprise, but I did find this whole thing quite funny, mostly because I knew I was untouchable regarding employment, but it was a clear example of how they will jump on anything to try and take you down. For the record, I have never worked at The Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts. There was another tweet suggesting that they will get me banned me from performing anywhere too. For one little push back at Feminism.This is aggressive man-hating attacks designed to destroy men who don't comply. This is Feminism.

Hats Off to the Honeybadgers for bringing awareness of how feminists behave online to prepare and forewarn us poor guys who cant get a word in without getting obliterated.

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