Most Australians would have read at least one column or article by Miranda Devine in their lifetime, and many would have enjoyed agreeing and disagreeing with her views. Miranda writes an opinion column so naturally some of the topics strike a nerve with some people out there, but what is often forgotten is how many people agree with her sentiments and how some people form a new understanding after reading some of the topics she tackles, many of which are considered controversial.
What many may not know is how great a supporter of men's issues she is. Miranda recently gave a fantastic presentation last month at the International Conference on Men's Issues 2017, at the Gold Coast. Do yourself a favour and check it out immediately. Miranda Devine - ICMI2017 . Not only a great talk, but a very lengthy Q and A afterwards covering quite diverse topics. Miranda has two sons and they were the driving force behind her interest in men's issues as she could foresee how bleak the future is for them under the current stranglehold of third wave feminism that is slowly pushing men out of significance. Upon researching Miranda's career and history, I found many surprising details about her as well. But first. the usual basics...
Miranda is a writer noted for her conservative stance on a range of social and political issues. Her column appears in the News Limited newspapers Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph, Melbourne's Sunday Herald Sun and Perth's Sunday Times. She also hosted The Miranda Devine Show, a weekly syndicated radio show on Sydney station 2GB until it ended in 2015.
Now for the surprises... Miranda can speak fluent Japanese. She attended an American International School in Tokyo with her sisters which is where she learnt Japanese.
While Miranda completed a one-year graduate program at the Medill School of Journalism, Northwestern University in Chicago, she had previously completed a mathematics degree at Macquarie University in Sydney. Miranda also worked for four years at CSIRO in their textile physics division.
The reason for her worldly travels in her early years was due to her father's successful career in journalism. Veteran journalist, editor and conservative columnist, the late Frank Devine, was working as a foreign correspondent for Australian newspapers and later edited various American newspapers. Like her father, Miranda is a devout Roman Catholic and completed her high school education at Loreto Kirribilli, a Catholic girls' private school in Sydney.
No stranger to controversy, Miranda Devine receives a significant amount of hate mail, but she understands why this is happening.
"You are contesting ideas and you have to do it in a polarising way. When you write a column, you can't sit on the fence"
In her recent talk at ICMI2017, Miranda referenced a comment she had made in a column back in 2015 regarding domestic violence. The audience at the conference applauded her remark, but it was a very different story when the comment was published. Perhaps Miranda would have labelled it "The Flight of the Frightbats". She claimed that "women abusing welfare" were the main cause of domestic violence and offered the following advice...
"If you want to break the cycle of violence, end the welfare incentive for unsuitable women to keep having children to a string of feckless men".
I live in the inner city suburb of Waterloo, and from what I see there are children all over the streets at all hours of the day, completely unsupervised by adults. It would not surprise me at all if these children were victims of what Miranda has described. Welfare is being poured into this community yet parental duties are clearly non-existent or missing in action. Perhaps these children take to the streets because the violence or domestic atmosphere is just too unbearable to stay at home.
Miranda's latest article covers the current situation with Rev. George Pell Too many enemies are basking in George Pell’s situation who will return to Australia to face criminal charges against him. Miranda highlights the phenomenal response of 'guilty before proven innocent' in the media, particularly in the toilet paper worthy Fairfax publications. This is Australia and you are considered innocent until proven guilty, and we don't need leftists and subjective views to tell us what the verdict should be before the trial has even begun.
Miranda has managed to ruffle the scales of the garbage Fairfax writer Clementine Ford and was the subject of a vulgar profanity from Ford on Twitter. This was again repeated by Ford recently on a nauseating leftist ABC program Hack Live. Ford recently managed to influence Facebook moderators to shutdown the strongest Anti-Feminist page in Australia, (Anti-Feminism Australia) over the weekend, yet any attempts, current and previous, to moderate Ford for her man-hating vitriol, gets the same reply that Ford does not "go against Facebook community standards".
Miranda has written some truly inspiring articles addressing men's and boy's issues, in particular her insightful piece back in April this year, Domestic violence: Stop demonising our little boys. This article goes straight to the core issue about the damage that is being caused daily due to the misleading information barraging out of most media outlets that Domestic Violence is a gender issue and affects female victims only. We have dealt with this at length already in this blog and we will keep raising it until it finally sinks in no matter how long it takes. But just think of all the men and boys that are made to suffer at the hands of feminists and MSM. In Miranda's words "domestic violence is what we say it is, and little boys are sacrificial lambs on the altar of gender politics".
You can also find that Frightbat triggering article here. Miranda Devine: Demonising men won’t stop domestic violence
Hats Off to Miranda Devine, and thank God she we have this strong, compassionate lady on our side.
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