Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Karen Straughan - Coming Out

Karen Straughan released an audio blog about Coming Out as an Anti-Feminist and expressed the fear that she encountered when contemplating taking the step of putting her real name and her real face to her stance against Feminism. Her words are quite powerful and intriguing and something that many people could possibly relate to.
The term Anti-Feminist is strong and clear yet it's very nature has media outlets and of course Feminists themselves claiming it to be a hate group. Being anti-something to them means that you obviously hate it, so you are a hate group.
They will then point to the dictionary definitions and tweet, retweet, rinse and repeat this to further strengthen this claim that Anti-Feminists are a hate group.
Oxford - The advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of the equality of the sexes.
Dictionary.com - the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men.
Cambridge - the belief that women should be allowed the same rights, power, and opportunities as men and be treated in the same way, or the set of activities intended to achieve this state.
So Feminism looks like a really nice ideal ideology to follow and to be Anti Feminism is to be anti-equality for women if you believe these definitions are accurate.
However, if you examine Feminism and those who support it (Feminists) you don't have to scratch the surface long enough to discover that Feminism is not advocating equal rights to men at all, it is advocating privilege for women over men, and to some degree punishment for previous oppression.
So one can easily argue that Anti-Feminists certainly do have a case and a non-hateful purpose, and they have never been classified as a hate group in any official capacity. But yes, it is certainly a movement that is against Feminists and their achievements in securing female privilege at the detriment of men, but it is certainly not driven by hate.
If the term hate group is to be fairly applied then you would honestly think that Feminists were the hate group based on their man-hating ideology and their behaviour towards Anti-Feminists and MRA's. Feminists have aggressively shut down many lectures and meetings of Anti-Feminists, in particular Janice Fiamengo and Warren Farrell, and it was well documented how they severely protested the screening of the Red Pill movie at Sydney University. Not to forget how they still manage to get Honey Badger meetings moved to other locations and harass movie theatres into cancelling Red Pill screenings.
Have you ever seen an Anti-Feminist demonstration? Have you ever seen what happens when Anti-Feminists or MRA's try to hold a meeting? Have you ever seen Anti-Feminists displaying hatred on the streets, yelling and screaming about their intolerance or hatred of Feminism or women in general? Probably not, I hear you say. Anti-Feminists are not a hate group and do not campaign on a platform of hatred. So be proud to be an Anti-Feminist.
Anti-Feminists, it's time to come out. Use your real name and your real face and show the world that you are not a sneaky member of some falsely-accused hidden hate group, but show that you are a proud representative of Anti-Feminist ideology. Be like Karen, be brave and join the club of out and proud Anti-Feminists.
Hats off to Karen Straughan and to all of you who have 'come out' as Anti-Feminists.

If you Google Anti-Feminist rally, you will only get pictures of Feminist rallies, so its best to Google Men's Rights rally to try and find Anti-Feminist rally pictures.
The worst look like this...

Most look like this...

While I can imagine these rallies might get rowdy, it hardly looks like a gathering of a hate group. Here are a few images that I think look like the gathering of a hate group....and yes they are Feminists.


Thursday, 6 July 2017

Ladies Battling the Looneys - Week in Review #3

Plenty of turmoil this week but we are still battling on with our ladies continuing to gain further ground and step up to new adventures.
The week began with many of us on the rebound after the Anti-Feminism Australia Facebook Page was shutdown last weekend. As the dust settled we still had the closed group and have continued to share information, thoughts and feelings there with some level of sanctuary. But Feminists are a relentless and conniving lot and continue to infiltrate in order to bring down the group from within. It's quite astonishing how threatened they are of an opposing view. If their view was a valid one, they would simply have to raise the argument when under threat. But as their movement is based on lies and misinformation and all sorts of other covert action, they see silencing the opposition as the only way to stay relevant.
I was quite outraged by the double standards of Facebook and so I contacted a couple of the ladies to see if they could look into it to see if there was anything they could dig up. Bettina Arndt was also amazed by the "horrendous" actions of Facebook. We constantly get barraged by the vitriol from all the Feminist pages and groups yet one false move and the page is gone for good. Corrine Barraclough was also quick to respond and was keen to do some digging around on it. While I knew there was nothing that could probably be done about this one, it got me thinking about what we need to do in order to step up our capabilities to counter these attacks by feminists. They are well co-ordinated and quick to mobilise en masse whenever their ideology is threatened or under attack. They have a clear leader in Clementine Ford here in Australia, (pictured above in Zeg's cartoon for Mark Latham's Outsiders Lefty Looney of the Week) and they have been around long enough to have well established communication networks on Facebook and Twitter to rally very quickly in big numbers. A clear example of this was when the Anti-Feminist page took on a Feminist bookstore promoting Ford's book. Over 400 Anti-feminists left 1-star reviews on the stores Facebook page to protest against the book and the response from the Feminists was overwhelming. In almost no time at all they swooped onto the Facebook page giving 5-star reviews and massed over 5000 entries. We need to learn from these experiences to set our future long-term goal posts. We need to think of ways to get a similar base number of people together and create a simple and effective method to communicate and fight fire with fire. It is no good having lone wolf Anti-feminists taking on a group of man-hating Feminists if there isn't a 'call to arms' button available to get support from our own team.
I certainly could have used that earlier this week when, after raising a very valid point on Julia Gillard's Twitter feed, I was swooped upon by the witches and warlocks on broomsticks. I wasn't fazed by the attack as I fully expected it and knew what it would entail, however it would have been delightful to alert my own army and return fire en masse. There is even a Twitter identity called TakeDownMRAs - perhaps that is the answer, we all need to follow our own TakeDownFeminazis so that we can tag each other into an attack and alert the masses via an account like this.
Still with Gillard, it was great to see that Corrine is still sticking it to her today for her ridiculous comments as head of Beyond Blue. Gillard is allowing her Feminist ideology to influence her management at the moment and this was clear in her tweet about the suicide rate. "8 Aussies suicide every day". Now if you criticise this you are easily brought down by the statement 'She should care about all Aussies', but when the suicides are mostly men to the figure of 3 to 1, you should definitely be asking why are men three times as likely to suicide and what are you doing about it. They tell us they know about it, they commissioned a study, and mostly the belief is that it is being male itself that makes it such a problem. Feminists believe it is the 'patriarchy' and 'toxic masculinity' to blame. But none can really explain what the hell that actually means, as it's all speculative. The 'patriarchy' is a construct of Feminism that is largely rejected by Anti-feminists and the same can be said about toxic masculinity. None the less, even if the cause is uncertain, then surely there would still be services to help this obvious imbalanced statistic. But there are not.
Have a read of Corrine's article Julia Gillard You're Fired
By the way, don't forget to support Bettina Arndt at Patreon, there is a permanent link on my page to the right.

Hats Off to the Ladies, it's not an easy road but the destination is worth it.

Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Bettina Arndt Update

Bettina Arndt is Australia's biggest supporter of Men's Issues, and was the keynote speaker at the International Conference on Men's Issues 2017 on the Gold Coast last month.
She has now entered the world of video blogs or Vlogs as they are commonly referred, possibly due to the influence of Karen Straughan who camped out at Bettina's home last month also. (She was amazed at how clean Bettina's home was given that she is always on her phone or laptop) Karen of course is known for her Girlwriteswhat vlogs on Youtube and now usually produces more videos than written blogs and tweets.
Bettina recently announced that she is putting all her other business ventures aside to focus solely on Men's Issues which is so exciting for the Men's Rights movement. Now this is going to impact her revenue, as there is no paying job for men's issues. (as opposed to the thousands of paying jobs for women's issues) So, Bettina has also entered the world of Patreon where her loyal supporters can sponsor her videos every time she posts one. It's a great idea and starts as low as $1 per video, and higher pledges get added privileges such as notifications, newsletters, monthly shout outs and Skype calls with Bettina herself. It's a great way to be part of her work and also be interactive with our national patron for men's issues. (I made that title up but it's accurate) I signed up this morning and I encourage all of you to click on this link and check it out.
Bettina Arndt - Patreon
If you follow my posts you would have seen the hoo har this week regarding my tweets to Julia Gillard and Beyond Blue asking why the suicide rate of men is not being made a point of when it is 3 times that of the female rate. Whenever women dominate a statistic, it's all we hear about. Such as Domestic Violence deaths, we all hear that a woman dies every 6 days from DV but we never hear that a man dies every 10 days. Feminists accuse MRA's of whinging or ignoring the female death rate when we point this out, but they fail to see that we just want to see it mentioned alongside the female statistic. Something like ...
One Women is killed every 6 days due to Domestic Violence
One  Man  is  killed  every 10 days due to Domestic Violence
Bettina created a media stunt video when she was on the Gold Coast to bring awareness to the suicide rate of men. After media saturation regarding a beached whale and the outpouring of empathy for this stranded animal that couldn't be saved, it annoyed Bettina as she knows just how hard it is to get any media attention on this very serious issue affecting so many men. She arranged to have 6 men in body bags all lined up on a Gold Coast beach to illustrate the fact that 6 men suicide every day in Australia. Take a look. Bettina - Beach Stunt

Hats Off to Bettina Arndt and please support our patron saint :-)

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Honeybadger Brigade vs the Attack of the Feminists

When feminists are triggered into attack on social media, there are none more fierce in retaliation than the women of the Honeybadger Brigade. The women of the men's rights movement (AKA Honey Badgers) post on Reddit and twitter, upload podcasts of Honey Badger Radio, and generally raise hell, according to an article in Marie Claire. They provided some examples of their blunt posts as well.
"You weren't raped. You're a whore. Join the club"; "Going Mental: She Might Be a Crazy Bitch If … Red Flags!"; "The #feminist draft is fully operational. If you have a vagina or mangina youre [sic] forced to obey. #WomenAgainstFeminism."
Karen Straughan, one of the founding members of the HBB, recently visited Australia presenting talks at the International Conference on Men's Issues and at The Sydney Institute. She explains the need for the HBB and why it takes a woman to stand up to the feminist vitriol online, as men run the risk of being perceived as dangerous or threatening when speaking up.
"Women seem to have this ability to talk and not be seen as angry," 
"to not be mocked as whiny man-babies and dismissed as dangerous extremist reactionaries who want to make it legal to beat your wife."
I can lay testimony to this after an experiment yesterday on Twitter, where I challenged former Prime Minister and new head of Beyond Blue, Julia Gillard regarding her post on the number of suicides per day in Australia. You only have to watch The Red Pill documentary to understand that feminists and the main stream media that supports the feminist narrative, always hide the number of male victims within a statistic when they are in the majority, yet name the exact figure of female victims even if it is only one woman out of hundreds of victims. When Cassie Jaye interviewed Karen Straughan she brought to her attention the reporting on the Boko Haram situation. Jaye supplied footage of many publications reporting on the carnage in her film and none of them ever mentioned the words men or boys in their titles even though they were the only gender being murdered in most cases. Even today we are still seeing this kind of reporting, this article about a recent attack reads as follows...

The 9 people were men. But this has been the way this is reported everywhere - no publication ever mentions male victims in its headlines, its either people, villagers, or simply just dead.

So when Julia Gillard, who has been on the record as a feminist, famous for her misogyny speech in the Australian Parliament as Prime Minister, tweets that she is concerned about the suicide of 8 Aussies a day, it sets alarm bells off again. The reason? 6 of the 8 suiciding Aussies are men. I think its appropriate to care about all suicides, but I questioned if this is a familiar cover up of the male dominated statistic due to her feminist ideology.
To say my comment triggered feminists is an understatement. I believe everyone needs to know what Feminists do when they read anything that challenges their ideology and the narrative that they have pushed into main stream media, government agencies, and social media platforms. It is dangerous to them because it threatens to expose the truth, and they have already told the world what the truth is, but it is a false truth. The infiltration of feminists into legitimate posts have given them the ability to use once reputable agencies such as the Australian Bureau of Statistics, and all of the top Australian Universities, to produce papers and studies that are engineered to interpret data into results that favour and support the female narrative and feminist ideology. This has gone to the point where they conclude that male suicides are so high because of "patriarchy" the very demon that feminism is designed to destroy, thus by being anti-feminist, men are preventing the feminists from eliminating "patriarchy" and therefore stopping them from 'helping' men. Sadly this is a computer and you can't smell the bullshit through the screen, but hopefully though you can see it.
So, here is what feminists do on twitter when they are triggered.
1. Ridicule - they will say something to ridicule the person who wrote the message
2. Meme - they will post or create a meme very quickly to parody the person
3. Joke - they will construct a joke and add laughter to discredit the person.
4. Retweet - they will 'like' and 'retweet' the responses they created to all their fembases.
5. Attack - they will then attack anything they see on your profile and bait you into retaliation.
6. Google - they will Google you and use anything they can find to mock and discredit you.
7. Threaten - they will threaten you with their desire to bring you down as much as possible.
8. Sack - they will declare you should be sacked from your job for commenting against them.
9. Email - they will email any employer they think you work for and demand they fire you.
10. Rinse and Repeat - they will keep all this going until they break you into silence.
Luckily they don't always win, but it may shock you just how fast they can mobilise their coordinated attack on any anti-feminist or Men's Rights Activist. In the end they will make you seem more anti-male than they are and label you as more harmful to men than feminists. It's very clever and effective, but for how long will they be able to get away with this?
The funniest post they made of my grilling of Gillard was to quote my tweet under Gillard's and use it to make me sound like an aggressive angry man.
Note that the name of the account creating and distributing this tweet is called Take Down MRA's. They purely exist to annihilate anyone who is a Men's Rights Activist. Yet they are not a hate group somehow. The interesting part to examine is how they misrepresented my comment as 'yelling at the women online'. Firstly, as mentioned above, there are a great deal of women who are MRAs, anti-feminists are not men yelling at women, but most importantly, I ask you to see if you can find the part of my comment that depicts me yelling. Now the obvious is of course the fact that messages are inaudible so yelling is impossible, but then we all know that when people want to depict yelling they usually use caps or exclamation marks or both. So this is purely designed to do numbers 1, 4, 5, and 10.
I also experienced 7 and 8 when the Employment Monitor declared my employer should know what I am saying on Twitter.

It was no surprise, but I did find this whole thing quite funny, mostly because I knew I was untouchable regarding employment, but it was a clear example of how they will jump on anything to try and take you down. For the record, I have never worked at The Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts. There was another tweet suggesting that they will get me banned me from performing anywhere too. For one little push back at Feminism.This is aggressive man-hating attacks designed to destroy men who don't comply. This is Feminism.

Hats Off to the Honeybadgers for bringing awareness of how feminists behave online to prepare and forewarn us poor guys who cant get a word in without getting obliterated.

Sunday, 2 July 2017

Miranda Devine

Most Australians would have read at least one column or article by Miranda Devine in their lifetime, and many would have enjoyed agreeing and disagreeing with her views. Miranda writes an opinion column so naturally some of the topics strike a nerve with some people out there, but what is often forgotten is how many people agree with her sentiments and how some people form a new understanding after reading some of the topics she tackles, many of which are considered controversial.

What many may not know is how great a supporter of men's issues she is. Miranda recently gave a fantastic presentation last month at the International Conference on Men's Issues 2017, at the Gold Coast. Do yourself a favour and check it out immediately. Miranda Devine - ICMI2017 . Not only a great talk, but a very lengthy Q and A afterwards covering quite diverse topics. Miranda has two sons and they were the driving force behind her interest in men's issues as she could foresee how bleak the future is for them under the current stranglehold of third wave feminism that is slowly pushing men out of significance. Upon researching Miranda's career and history, I found many surprising details about her as well. But first. the usual basics...

Miranda is a writer noted for her conservative stance on a range of social and political issues. Her column appears in the News Limited newspapers Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph, Melbourne's Sunday Herald Sun and Perth's Sunday Times. She also hosted The Miranda Devine Show, a weekly syndicated radio show on Sydney station 2GB until it ended in 2015.
Now for the surprises... Miranda can speak fluent Japanese. She attended
an American International School in Tokyo with her sisters which is where she learnt Japanese.
While Miranda completed a one-year graduate program at the Medill School of Journalism, Northwestern University in Chicago, she had previously completed a mathematics degree at Macquarie University in Sydney. Miranda also worked for four years at CSIRO in their textile physics division.
The reason for her worldly travels in her early years was due to her father's successful career in journalism. Veteran journalist, editor and conservative columnist, the late Frank Devine, was working as a foreign correspondent for Australian newspapers and later edited various American newspapers. Like her father, Miranda is a devout Roman Catholic and completed her high school education at Loreto Kirribilli, a Catholic girls' private school in Sydney.
No stranger to controversy, Miranda Devine receives a significant amount of hate mail, but she understands why this is happening.
"You are contesting ideas and you have to do it in a polarising way. When you write a column, you can't sit on the fence"

In her recent talk at ICMI2017, Miranda referenced a comment she had made in a column back in 2015 regarding domestic violence. The audience at the conference applauded her remark, but it was a very different story when the comment was published. Perhaps Miranda would have labelled it "The Flight of the Frightbats". She claimed that "women abusing welfare" were the main cause of domestic violence and offered the following advice...
"If you want to break the cycle of violence, end the welfare incentive for unsuitable women to keep having children to a string of feckless men".
I live in the inner city suburb of Waterloo, and from what I see there are children all over the streets at all hours of the day, completely unsupervised by adults. It would not surprise me at all if these children were victims of what Miranda has described. Welfare is being poured into this community yet parental duties are clearly non-existent or missing in action. Perhaps these children take to the streets because the violence or domestic atmosphere is just too unbearable to stay at home.
Miranda's latest article covers the current situation with Rev. George Pell  Too many enemies are basking in George Pell’s situation who will return to Australia to face criminal charges against him. Miranda highlights the phenomenal response of 'guilty before proven innocent' in the media, particularly in the toilet paper worthy Fairfax publications. This is Australia and you are considered innocent until proven guilty, and we don't need leftists and subjective views to tell us what the verdict should be before the trial has even begun.

Miranda has managed to ruffle the scales of the garbage Fairfax writer Clementine Ford and was the subject of a vulgar profanity from Ford on Twitter. This was again repeated by Ford recently on a nauseating leftist ABC program Hack Live. Ford recently managed to influence Facebook moderators to shutdown the strongest Anti-Feminist page in Australia, (Anti-Feminism Australia) over the weekend, yet any attempts, current and previous, to moderate Ford for her man-hating vitriol, gets the same reply that Ford does not "go against Facebook community standards".
Miranda has written some truly inspiring articles addressing men's and boy's issues, in particular her insightful piece back in April this year, Domestic violence: Stop demonising our little boys. This article goes straight to the core issue about the damage that is being caused daily due to the misleading information barraging out of most media outlets that Domestic Violence is a gender issue and affects female victims only. We have dealt with this at length already in this blog and we will keep raising it until it finally sinks in no matter how long it takes. But just think of all the men and boys that are made to suffer at the hands of feminists and MSM. In Miranda's words "domestic violence is what we say it is, and little boys are sacrificial lambs on the altar of gender politics".
You can also find that Frightbat triggering article here. Miranda Devine: Demonising men won’t stop domestic violence

Hats Off to Miranda Devine, and thank God she we have this strong, compassionate lady on our side.

Thursday, 29 June 2017

Ladies Under Duress : Week in Review #2

Another week has passed us by as we continue to fight the good fight against those ghastly feminists intent on minimising or dismissing men's issues. Thankfully our ladies are continuing their fight for us and we remain ever so thankful for it.

Something that I just can't let go of is the double standard in the acceptance of vulgarity and offensive language in our media that is currently being afforded to Clementine Ford. One of our ladies, Daisy Cousens, had to endure the worst profanity from Ford when part of a panel discussing male privilege on ABC2. I had the privilege of attending Daisy's screening of The Red Pill in Sydney earlier this month and what I always appreciate is her assuredness and what can only be described as classy demeanour. On the Hack Live program she never once nodded her head mindlessly like many people did when Clementine spat her vitriol at them and she displayed poise and maturity that seems missing in most women on television these days. She used polite, careful words that befitted respectable language for a sensible television audience (not the demented live audience of nodding sheep), even when she was outlining the disgusting language and tone Ford had previously and continually used against Miranda Devine.

'You've called Miranda Devine profanities that I won't say on this program,' - Daisy
Clementine Ford shot right back in what appeared to be an angry reaction to Daisy's polite phrasing of the matter which Ford simply has no ability or interest to match.
'I called her a c*nt' - Ford.
(It was actually a f*cking c*nt, but anyway..)

Ford seems intolerant towards femininity which Daisy has buckets of, but that does not mean that Daisy is a shrinking violet, she is strong and holds her own with Ford. She actually has the maturity and compassion to apologise for the moment she let herself down and lowered her communication standards to that of Ford's. The apology may seem to have been directed at Ford compassionately, but I secretly hoped she was actually apologising to herself for letting Ford compromise her communication standards.

Check out this link from Anti-Feminism Australia that shows the disgusting depth of the vile comments this foul woman is allowed to unleash, and still complain about the backlash.Clementine Ford - Offensive Bitch

Then we see this vile and insulting message Ford penned for a fan when signing her latest book.

"Have you killed a man today? If not, why not?"
I officially complained about the tweet that Ford published about this, obviously proud in her confidence to encourage women to kill men, even though she cries victim of internet trolling. (She is the absolute definition of an internet troll.) It doesn't take many Facebook messages or tweets to realise this. I am certain my complaint to Twitter will not go anywhere because feminists seem to be a protected species in social media which is why they attack anti-feminists at will. Particularly other females, like Corrine Barraclough.

Corrine published a very personal and heartfelt article on Facebook yesterday and asked for people to be kind with their comments. The article was about her personal struggle with possible cancer and you would think other women would be compassionate, given that it detailed her ability to have children, a prevalent female matter. But Corrine was attacked by feminist trolls none the less, proving that they don't care about issues, they just care about politics and attacking people in a frenzy. Why bother making a valid argument when its easier to attack the credibility of the author, right? This is what they wrote in response to her personal account of facing cancer.

“Go neck up whore”,“U should have been aborted”, you’re a dumb slut” & “aids ridden whore”.

Why does Corrine bother them so much? She is an anti-feminist. I would say these comments are a good testament of why she is one. Who would want to be a feminist carrying around so much hatred and intolerance?
Here is Corrine's latest piece

In brighter news, today someone commented on my Spectator Gillard piece (below) with interesting info I want to share – and not just because it says nicer things about me than the above (maybe a bit). "This is a very astute article [why, thank you]. Misandrists and feminists like Gillard relentlessly try to persuade people that it is Men's fault that they are committing suicide at 4 times the rate of women. The truth is, it is external societal factors (as Corrine has accurately informed us) [thank you again] that are, literally, driving Men to suicide. I am currently writing a book on the subject. You can directly trace the rise in the "suicide gap" between Men and Women to the onset of second wave feminism in Western Cultures. You can tie the decline in the birth rate in Western nations directly to the onset of second wave feminism in Western Cultures…"

Hats Off to Daisy Cousens and Corrine Barraclough, divine ladies through and through.

Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Professor Janice Fiamengo

Professor Janice Fiamengo, Department of English at the University of Ottawa, is declared anti-feminist, defender of freedom speech and campaigner for the right to dissent. She tried to give a public lecture on men’s issues, equality and rape culture at the university on March 28 2014, But as shown in an hour-long YouTube Video, she was repeatedly interrupted by a group of about 30 students shouting and blasting horns.
In 2013, Professor Fiamengo wrote a very telling article on how feminism pushes the belief that the only pain that matters is women's pain, and the highlights the double standards that plague the movement.
She mentioned a light hearted moment at the opera where humour is happily tolerated by both sexes when the subject of the mocking is a man, but questioned if this would be equally accepted if the subject was a woman.
"Please silence anything in your possession that may be annoying to those around you. That includes cell phones, other electronic devices, your husband …"
Personally, I would not be offended by that joke, I'd smile and move past it, but if I stopped and considered the alternative, "your wife", would I still want to laugh? (yes) Would the audience still laugh in the same way? (probably not) Would I be sneered at for laughing - or worse? (probably) Would there be complaints? (absolutely!)
The article moves deeper into this double standard that is either deliberately ignored by feminists or a double standard that they are proud to not only enforce, but openly defend. Professor Fiamengo examines the "Don't Be That Guy" campaign in Canada, an anti-rape campaign by a coalition of women’s groups in conjunction with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, which met with general approval in the mainstream media. Men’s Rights Edmonton countered this with their own "Don't Be That Girl" campaign, which was an anti-false rape claim campaign to address this important issue facing men in Canada, but this was met with outrage and criticism of the movement. Professor Fiamengo explains that "the difference in the posters’ reception  tells us a good deal about the enormous social power of the woman as victim theme in Canada today" and that "the pervasiveness of feminist ideas about female innocence was vividly on display".
"The poster campaign is unsettling for its insistence that no matter what a woman does—no matter how careless and irresponsible—she is always innocent".
The article quite succinctly explains that taking personal responsibility is seemingly not required for women in the situations depicted in the "Don't Be That Guy" campaign. Instead of encouraging women to take sensible measures to avoid being in such scenarios, it ignores that entirely and places the responsibility purely on men who may be in the vicinity. But even worse than that, it describes the practise of encouraging women to take responsibility for their safety as misogynistic.
"Just because you regret a one-night stand … doesn’t mean it wasn’t consensual." is the message that Men’s Rights Edmonton expected its campaign would deliver, but it was criticized for making rape a joke, yet it was not about rape at all. It was about false charges.
This led to a further assumption in the community that women just don't lie about such things. This has been proven wrong, and even withstanding that, it is highly naïve to assume all women are always honest about rape accusations.
Enter Karen Straughan. She cited the case of Soner Yasa, an Edmonton cab driver who was saved from a false allegation only by the camera in his taxi, which proved his accusers’ story to be a vindictive fabrication.
Professor Fiamengo also provides three examples of crimes in Canada where women had dodged criminal charges by claiming to have been victims of unsubstantiated abuse, and all received reduced sentences or, in Doucet’s case, no sentence at all because of the credulity of justice system officials about female victimization.
* Karla Homolka, who participated with her husband in the sexual torture and murder of her sister and two girls whom she lured to their home.
* Allyson McConnell, who drowned her two sons in the bathtub after her husband left her.
* Nicole Doucet, who hired a contract killer to murder her husband.
The "Don’t Be That Girl" campaign message was simply, both men and women commit crimes, and men are tired of being singled out for condemnation while women’s culpability is denied. Many crimes and social problems that are often targeted by posters (fetal alcohol syndrome, home invasions, shoplifting) that involve groups other than white men, never receive such defamatory attention.
Professor Fiamengo goes a bit further in questioning the double standard and unfair targeting of white men in these situations, and this is still quite prevalent in Australia a few years since its publication.
"Can you imagine "Don’t be that Muslim" in a campaign about Islamic jihad? Or "Don’t be that Aboriginal Mother" in a campaign about fetal alcohol syndrome?"
I agree with Professor Fiamengo  that  critics would claim that "an entire group of people was being unfairly targeted for the actions of a few and in a manner more likely to induce public humiliation than behavioral change. The same is true of the image of white men promoted in "Don’t Be That Guy," and yet men are not even allowed to say so without incurring further outrageous accusations".
Hats Off to Professor Janice Fiamengo, keep up the good fight against those aggressive and ignorant feminists.