Another week has passed us by as we continue to fight the good fight against those ghastly feminists intent on minimising or dismissing men's issues. Thankfully our ladies are continuing their fight for us and we remain ever so thankful for it.
Something that I just can't let go of is the double standard in the acceptance of vulgarity and offensive language in our media that is currently being afforded to Clementine Ford. One of our ladies, Daisy Cousens, had to endure the worst profanity from Ford when part of a panel discussing male privilege on ABC2. I had the privilege of attending Daisy's screening of The Red Pill in Sydney earlier this month and what I always appreciate is her assuredness and what can only be described as classy demeanour. On the Hack Live program she never once nodded her head mindlessly like many people did when Clementine spat her vitriol at them and she displayed poise and maturity that seems missing in most women on television these days. She used polite, careful words that befitted respectable language for a sensible television audience (not the demented live audience of nodding sheep), even when she was outlining the disgusting language and tone Ford had previously and continually used against Miranda Devine.
Corrine published a very personal and heartfelt article on Facebook yesterday and asked for people to be kind with their comments. The article was about her personal struggle with possible cancer and you would think other women would be compassionate, given that it detailed her ability to have children, a prevalent female matter. But Corrine was attacked by feminist trolls none the less, proving that they don't care about issues, they just care about politics and attacking people in a frenzy. Why bother making a valid argument when its easier to attack the credibility of the author, right? This is what they wrote in response to her personal account of facing cancer.
Hats Off to Daisy Cousens and Corrine Barraclough, divine ladies through and through.
Clementine Ford shot right back in what appeared to be an angry reaction to Daisy's polite phrasing of the matter which Ford simply has no ability or interest to match.
'I called her a c*nt' - Ford.
(It was actually a f*cking c*nt, but anyway..)
Ford seems intolerant towards femininity which Daisy has buckets of, but that does not mean that Daisy is a shrinking violet, she is strong and holds her own with Ford. She actually has the maturity and compassion to apologise for the moment she let herself down and lowered her communication standards to that of Ford's. The apology may seem to have been directed at Ford compassionately, but I secretly hoped she was actually apologising to herself for letting Ford compromise her communication standards.
Check out this link from Anti-Feminism Australia that shows the disgusting depth of the vile comments this foul woman is allowed to unleash, and still complain about the backlash.Clementine Ford - Offensive Bitch
Check out this link from Anti-Feminism Australia that shows the disgusting depth of the vile comments this foul woman is allowed to unleash, and still complain about the backlash.Clementine Ford - Offensive Bitch
Then we see this vile and insulting message Ford penned for a fan when signing her latest book.
"Have you killed a man today? If not, why not?"
I officially complained about the tweet that Ford published about this, obviously proud in her confidence to encourage women to kill men, even though she cries victim of internet trolling. (She is the absolute definition of an internet troll.) It doesn't take many Facebook messages or tweets to realise this. I am certain my complaint to Twitter will not go anywhere because feminists seem to be a protected species in social media which is why they attack anti-feminists at will. Particularly other females, like Corrine Barraclough.
“Go neck up whore”,“U should have been aborted”, “you’re a dumb
slut” & “aids ridden whore”.
Why does Corrine bother them so much? She is an anti-feminist. I would say these comments are a good testament of why she is one. Who would want to be a feminist carrying around so much hatred and intolerance?
Here is Corrine's latest piece
In brighter news, today someone commented on my Spectator Gillard piece (below) with interesting info I want to share – and not just because it says nicer things about me than the above (maybe a bit). "This is a very astute article [why, thank you]. Misandrists and feminists like Gillard relentlessly try to persuade people that it is Men's fault that they are committing suicide at 4 times the rate of women. The truth is, it is external societal factors (as Corrine has accurately informed us) [thank you again] that are, literally, driving Men to suicide. I am currently writing a book on the subject. You can directly trace the rise in the "suicide gap" between Men and Women to the onset of second wave feminism in Western Cultures. You can tie the decline in the birth rate in Western nations directly to the onset of second wave feminism in Western Cultures…"
Hats Off to Daisy Cousens and Corrine Barraclough, divine ladies through and through.
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