She is currently heavily involved in the International Conference on Men’s Issues (ICMI) being held at the Gold Coast, June 9-11, and also appears as a regular 'Outsider" on Mark Latham's Outsiders program, as well as posting on the Outsider's website. Bettina is also promoting awareness of the many Fan Force screenings of Cassie Jaye's critically acclaimed documentary "The Red Pill", and on Tuesday 6th June, she will be hosting a live Q & A session with Karen Straughan, for fans of Mark Latham's Facebook page which is very exciting for us all.
In a recent post by Bettina: The malevolent influence of Women’s Studies, she praises Mark Latham for speaking out about men's issues and exposing the real statistics on issues that are distorted or unreported by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. She also provides a link to her previous article on the lies being promoted by domestic violence. This is quite refreshing as we live in a country that made a woman who was a victim of domestic violence, Australian of the Year, allowing her to promote the incorrect truth that domestic violence is a gender issue which statistics show, it certainly is not.
The main topic in this post however is about the very dangerous messages being taught in a very popular course known as Women's Studies. Bettina shows concern about the anti-male propaganda and misinformation being taught and treated as fact. She also adds a quote from Christina Hof Sommers; a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, in which Hof Sommers shows concern that the new generation of feminists are being given a lot of misinformation and that it is making them very angry people "intoxicated with hatred". This then has them believing that maleness is synonymous with violence which is not true, but as they have been fed these statistics they become convinced. Bettina then includes Janice Fiamengo, a professor of English at Ottawa university who describes Women's Studies as having "devolved into an intellectually incoherent and dishonest discipline replacing a callow set of slogans for real thought". There is good news however, as Bettina also provides a link and information about a Norwegian Gender Institute which was closed down after a Norwegian state television documentary exposed the unscientific character of the institute and its ideological, non evidence-based research.
Bettina is definitely on the case to expose this course here in Australia as well, and has announced a call to arms for those studying the course here, to come clean and divulge exactly what's being taught there. This was inspired by Canadian activist Lauren Southern who deliberately enrolled in a Women’s Studies course to examine what was being taught.
You really need to visit Bettina Arndt's website and take a look at all the amazing links to videos and articles that these courageous women have written and get involved yourself. If you don't know what to do with your life, enrol in this course and start compiling your own expose' on this ridiculous and dangerous negative-messaging course that is spreading lies in order to create hatred towards men, and increase their spread of ideology. It is a very dangerous place indeed when the national broadcaster and other tax-payer funded media outlets, which are supposed to serve ALL Australians, are hijacked by the Green voting left (40% of ABC staff) and refuse to acknowledge the presence of the visiting women, or the men's issues they are speaking about. Bettina battled unsuccessfully to get Karen Straughan on the left leaning Q&A Show on the ABC and also SBS but they just didn't seem to have room for it. Yet it only takes a moment to see what ridiculous stories they do seem to have time for and you can guess who its mostly representing.
Hats Off to Bettina Arndt, we will be sharing more of her posts in the future and encouraging you all to read her articles, in The Australian Bettina Arndt - The Australian
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