Monday, 5 June 2017

Karen Straughan

Karen Straughan is the most popular advocate for men's rights on the planet. Her intelligence and assuredness give her an air of strength and reason particularly when set against the screaming rants of her feminist adversaries.
Australians are extremely privileged to currently have Karen on our shores and already she is making an impact in the media since appearing on Sky News' Outsiders program on Sunday. However the national broadcaster ABC, after much canvasing don't have any room to cover Karen's visit. This is clearly an ideological decision by the left-leaning controllers of the broadcaster (40% Green Voters)and not a reflection of her relevance to our broader community.
If you have a twitter account you simply must follow Karen,  Girl Writes What. The moment you hear her speak, you know you want to listen to anything she has to say. She speaks with such reason that you want to hear her refute all those unfounded claims by the feminists that she repeatedly stands up to. You also must subscribe to her Youtube channel and join the other 160,000 people who tune in to hear the truth and to watch how she destroys the lies. Youtube - Girl Writes What
Karen appears in the awesome documentary The Red Pill made by Cassie Jaye, and provides the standout moment of the film when she succinctly likens the current feminist movement with that of a rising religion. If you haven't seen this film, get out there now and find where it is screening as this is essential viewing.
Karen also has a blog, Owing Your Shit, which provides information and awareness of current issues as well as documenting her current debunking of lies that blocks such information being heard and even blocking the screenings of The Red Pill in various places. I am saddened to admit that, thus far, Australia is the only country that has had screenings of this film successfully banned, however since those bans, there have been several screenings across the country and several more planned. But if you want to see it at the Dendy Cinema's, well too bad, they are one of the cinemas that banned it.
In a recent post by Karen, she shared an open letter to a cinema in Calgary that banned a screening of The Red Pill after receiving letters on Facebook requesting it's cancellation due to reasons they list in the body of their letters. Karen singled out one such letter and shared it in its entirety. Its reasons for requesting cancelling were:
1) The film is created and promoted by Men's Rights Activist groups, which actively seek to get rid of equal rights for women and minorities.
2) Mens Rights Activist groups are considered a hate group by the southern poverty law centre.
3) They cannot ever attend a venue which supports hate speech.
With the knowledge I have about The Red Pill after actually watching it, which it sounds like the writer of this letter has not done, I feel that I could dispel many of these claims, but I am pretty certain I would not have done it as comprehensively as Karen Straughan. Her overall impression of the writer of the letter, is that Ms. Hart could possibly be intentionally lying, or simply repeating falsehoods she had read with the sincere belief that they are true. But as Karen states "a great deal of what Ms. Hart says is simply untrue", she then continues to debunk the lies.
Debunking #1
The film is "produced and directed by a feminist woman". "I have been involved in this movement (MRA) since 2010, and have spoken at and attended many events hosted by various organizations and groups within the movement." "I am a mother of three children, two of them grown and one in his teens. I would never support a movement interested in oppressing or marginalizing my daughter, let alone act as a leader within such a movement. I would never support a movement advocating to take away my own rights." "the individuals at these events are warm, kind, decent people with genuine concern for fairness and justice"
Debunking #2
"The Southern Poverty Law Center... made no such claim that these groups are hate groups, nor have they made any such claim in the interim" "SPLC did not label MRAs as members of a hate movement"
Debunking #3
As above, it is not a hate movement, therefore it is not producing 'hate speech' so the venue is not in any way supporting hate speech.
I will be sharing links to Karen's work regularly and cannot encourage you enough to do your own research and find out the facts for yourself and if you are a feminist then please feel free to provide the evidence to debunk Karen Straughan, if you dare. Piece by piece the lies and misinformation will be destroyed, it will be slow but with continued momentum it will be successful.
Karen will be appearing on Mark Latham's Outsiders tonight , Tuesday 6th June in a special Q&A episode hosted by Bettina Arndt. this can be viewed on Mark Latham's Outsiders Facebook page. She will then be speaking at The Sydney Institute on Wednesday and I am extremely excited to be in attendance for that one. Karen will then head to the Gold Coast for The International Conference Men's Issues from June 9-11.

Hats Off to Karen Straughan, the leading light for serious issues facing men and boys in a world full of feminist lies. See you tomorrow Karen!


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